The Common Housefly: A Persistent Problem

Housefly – Chicago, IL – A-Alert Exterminating Service Inc

Nearly everyone has experienced a housefly buzzing about during a barbecue or picnic. Homes almost always seem to have one or two of the pests flying around over the summer. People swat the bugs away and ignore them unless the population grows out of control. With the information below, you can address the issue quickly and keep everyone safe from the bacteria flies carry.

Know the Pest

The common housefly may have evolved into the pest known today during the Cenozoic era and spread from the Middle East throughout the world. The insect can breed rapidly and easily infest anywhere that provides it with the conditions it needs to thrive. Warmth, moisture, and a food source are all that flies need to survive comfortably. However, houseflies are not a major urban issue, so you may find them more abundant in suburban and rural areas.

Female flies can lay 500 eggs through their lifetime, despite mating only once. The female keeps sperm for later use, so just one fly in a home is all it takes for an infestation to start. The fly larvae, known as maggots, hatch from the eggs in a day and move into the pupae stage several days later. The flies emerge from the pupa in a few weeks or less and can reproduce hours later.

The frustration of a fly buzzing around is enough for most people to want them gone, but the risk of contagions is more of a concern. Research studies show that houseflies can transmit viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria. The potential for infection puts people and pets at risk.

Treat the Problem

The ability of flies to increase their population quickly makes it necessary for people to act as soon as flies appear in the home. Swatting a fly or using flypaper can remove some pests, but it will not address the eggs or growing larvae that may already be present. Manual methods like these can also be messy and time-consuming.

The key to understanding and eliminating flies is to figure out where they are breeding. They need a combination of specific breaking down organic material and moisture to lay their egg. Each fly species has specific preferences, in the case of house flies excrement, animal or human, is the preferred breeding source. A pest control professional is important in fly control to will be able to determine the specific fly species, identify what is the preferred breeding material and evaluate the surroundings to discover the source. Once the breeding source has been discovered and removed then the adult flies can be addressed.

A pest control service can help with persistent problems with large fly populations both inside and out. Chemical treatments are beneficial, but professional services help to ensure people and pets stay safe. After removal, homeowners need to know how to avoid attracting more flies.

Reduce the Attraction

The housefly, like most living things, will stay near plentiful food sources. Flies consume organic matter, decaying organic matter, and sugary foods, which is part of the reason people need to treat for and eliminate this pest. To avoid attracting flies, homeowners should keep all food covered securely and wipe off counters and stovetops after meal preparation. Sanitation is always a key to preventing flies.

Clear the yard of any garden waste or any fruit or nuts dropped from trees as soon as possible. Scrub barbecue grills once they are cool enough to handle.

Remove pet droppings often because the waste can contain enough organic material to draw the interest of flies. Pet food bowls should stay empty between meals. Wash pet dishes daily to remove any food residue. Keep chicken coops and other livestock away from the house as much as your yard size allows. Do the same with any compost piles.

Deter Future Visitors

Deterrents provide another option for homeowners that want to keep flies away from their homes. An herb garden with specially selected herbs can help. The aromas of basil, lavender, and bay leaves, for example, repel houseflies as much as the scents appeal to most humans.

You may ignore houseflies because they do not damage homes or bite or sting like many other pests. The risk of disease spread and the frustration of flies buzzing around is still enough to make their removal a priority. At A-Alert Exterminating Service, Inc., we help with the eradication and prevention of pests like flies. Contact us with any questions or to arrange a visit.

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